Jacques, Guillaume 2021. A grammar of Japhug. Comprehensive Grammar Library 1. Berlin: Language Science Press. https://langsci-press.org/catalog/book/295
Blogposts about the grammar:
Lai Yunfan
Phyag rdor skyabs
Additional notes:
Egophoric 18-04-2021
Progressive and causative 07-06-2021
Basic colour terms 29-09-2021
Applicative and complement clauses 29-10-2021
The adverb pɤjkʰu 26-12-2021
List of errata: (Thanks to Li Shang 李上 and Liu Huiyong 刘慧勇)
(a) add .poss between the person/number and the gloss -on, -dat and -inside (for instance 3sg-dat => 3sg.poss-dat)
(b) aor:3→3 => aor:3→3′
(c) be:aff => be.aff
Line-by-line corrections
p.36, (38) 1sg.poss-sbj:pcp-like => 1sg.poss-obj:pcp-like
p.40. during the during the => during the
p.64 before palatal and alveolo-palatal => after palatal and alveolo-palatal
p.69 ipfv.ipfv-be.called => ifr.ipfv-be.called
p.69 ipfv.ipfv-be.called => ifr.ipfv-be.called
p.91. (3) ipfv-ipfv => ipfv
p.102. does occurs => does occur
p.105, §4.3, (9) ‘He plugged both hid left and his right ears.’
hid => his
p.109 unpossessed => unpossessible
p.120 (24) emph in small capitals
p.125(38)not.exist:C => not.exist:sens
p.128 (41)nmlz-S/A => sbj:pcp
p.133 (54) fact:be.born => be.born:fact
p.135 (59) genr-dat => genr.poss-dat
p.135 (60) Below ra tɯ-rkɯ: PL GENR.POSS-side
p.136 (61) aor:3→3′-put => aor:3→3′-auto-put
p.140 (78) pst.ipfv-stay-1sg => pst.ipfv-stay-1pl
p.145 (91) nmzl:S/A => sbj:pcp (two times)
p.146 (95) See => She
p.146 (95) pst-sbj:pcp-be => pst.ipfv-sbj:pcp-be
p.147, footnote 15, remove “(including with a possessive marker)”
p.150 Euphorbia helioscopia in italics
p.150 Polygonum in italics
p.150 weevil => earwig
p.156 numeral => numerals
p.156 but similar to some quantifiers => , but it is reminiscent of the order of some quantifiers
p.156 move “like the participial form of a bipartite verb” to the end of the previous sentence, following “grind”
p.157 has a meaning verb close => has a meaning close
p.159 verbs forms => verb forms
p.160 while tʂɤχa ‘chuckhole’ and tɯjaʁmɤχa
(虎口 ‘space between thumb and index’ are possessive compounds => while….are attributive compounds
p.161 Table 5.9: Possessive compound nouns => Noun-Verb compounds
p.163 (106): exchange the glosses of sci and ma
p.165 remove ‘gore’
p.165 grasshoper => Rhaphidophoridae
p.166 inf-say => obj:pcp-say
p.168 Lactarius sp. (sp. not in italics)
p.168 table 5.10 Aegyptius monachus in italics, “anadromous fish” => Sichuan Taimen
p.168 table 5.11, remove ‘Tetraogallus tibetanus’, pyrrhocorax => red-billed chough
p.171 (115) de => DEM
p.175 Table 5.14 ewe => nanny goat
p.176 (120) inf:stat-aux => sbj:pcp-aux
p.179 (124) anthr => topo
p.181 (129) sens-2-be.aff => sens-2-be.aff-pl
p.183 3sg.poss-prop:denom-thorn => 3sg.poss-nmlz:deg-prop:denom-thorn
p.184 Both are fully productive (remove capital on Both)
p.186 (144) rake => basket
p.186 (144) “He borrowed a rake with a thread.” => “He borrowed a basket with a thread.”
p.191 (5) add be:FACT below ŋu
p.191 (4) exist =>not.exist
p.195 (17) FACT:can => can:FACT
p.197 (26) be.neededo => be.needed
p.201 (42),mɤxsi => mɤ-xsi
p.201 (42) neg-genr-know => neg-genr:know
p.202 (45) be.longFACT => be.long:FACT
p.202 (46) ɣɯ-tɕɤt => ɣɯ́-tɕɤt
p.202 (46) ipfv.ifr => ifr.ipfv
p.203 (50) I don’t who you are => I don’t know who you are
p.204 (53) compare it with a horse’s tail => compare it with a horse’s tail (to see) which is the longest
p.206 (62) 3sg.poss-grandfather => 2sg.poss-grandfather
p.206 (63) DUBIT => DUB
p.206 (64) PRES.EGOPH => PRS
p.207 (69) be:FACT => not.be:FACT
p.207 (70) AOR-go => AOR-go[II]
p.207 (70) each => easy
p.208 (73) NEG-know:GENR => NEG-GENR:know
p.208 (73) I don’t which => I don’t know which
p.210 SBJ:PCPbe.like => sbj:pcp-be.like
p.211 (83) inf-antipass-learn => inf-apass-learn
p.211 (83) sens-try.hard-pl => sens-try.hard
p.211 (83) 3sg.poss-right => 3pl.poss-right
p.211 (84) nɤ-me-a > nɤme-a
p.211 (84) do[III]:fact-1sg, put “fact” in small capitals, 2 times.
p.213 (89) ipfv-caus-caus-be.boiling[III] => ipfv-caus-be.boiling[III]
p.217 (104) ipfv-inv-indefinite~put => ipfv-inv-emph~put
p.218 (107) add “be:fact” after “ipfv-say-pl” (below ŋu) in two places in this example
p.219 (110) aor-sbj:pcp-emph~be.old => sbj:pcp-emph~be.small
p.219 (110) C-be.aff => sens-be.aff
p.219 (111) a-tɯci => a-tɯ-ci
p.220 (114) neg:sens-recognize => neg:sens-recognize-1sg
p.220 (115) ɯ-maʁ => ɯ́-maʁ
p.221 (116) ɯ-maʁ => ɯ́-maʁ
p.221 (118) ipfv-reach.into[III] => ipfv-caus-reach.into[III]
p.221 (118) sens-be.aff:fact => sens-be.aff
p.222 (121) ipfv.ifr-be:fact => ifr.ipfv-be
p.227 (136) 2sg.poss-cow => 2pl.poss-cow
p.227 (137) unexpect => unexp:deg
p.229 (141) neg-pst.ipfv-stay => neg-pst.ipfv-stay-1sg
p.231 (149) ipfv-say-1pl => ipfv-say-1sg
p.244 (24) ipfv-anticaus:attach => ipfv-acaus:attach
p.245 (26) tɤ-kɤ-sɯpa => tɤ-kɤ-sɯ-pa
p.346 (171) ɯ-mɤ-ɲɯ-tɯ-stu => ɯ-mɤ́-ɲɯ-tɯ-stu
p.253 (41) “dem” in small caps
p.253 (41) dem => gen (below ɣɯ)
p.255 (47) ɲɯ-ʑɣɤ-qɤr-nɯ => ɲɯ-ʑɣɤqɤr-nɯ
p.256 (49) nmzl:S/A-be.tall => sbj:pcp-be.tall
p.256 (49) nmzl:S/A-be.big => sbj:pcp-be.big
p.262 (66) sbj:pcp-anticaus:attach => sbj:pcp-acaus:attach
p.262 (66) exist:fact => not.exist:fact
p.269 (87) nɯ-kʰa => nɯ kʰa
p.275 (104) make => made
p.278 (112) below “tɕe” sens-be => lnk
p.278 (112) obj:pcpblique => obl:pcp
p.281 (120) pst.ipfv-walk-1sg => pst.ipfv-walk-1pl
p.281 Y+ɣ ‘ɣ years ago’ => Y-ɣ ‘ɣ years ago’
p.287 (132) below “ɲɯ-ɣi-a” add “ipfv:west-come-1sg”
p.287 (132) if would go => I would go
p.294 (2) Add the translation “Only then did the cat wake up.”
p.296 “in (9) the intransitive subject” => “in (8) the intransitive subject”
p.297 (10) ɯ-ɲɯ-tɯ-tso? => ɯ-ɲɯ́-tɯ-tso?
p.300 (19) c.poss-speech => indef.poss-speech
p.301 (25) Your elder sister => My elder sister
p.302 (28) ipfv-antipass-teach-ɕ => ipfv-apass-teach-1sg
p.306 (38) ipfv.ifr => ifr.ipfv
p.312 (59) ipfv.ifr => ifr.ipfv
p.316 (71) be.pointy => be.pointy:fact
p.321 (90) cold cold and hunger => neither cold nor hunger
p.322 (95) nmlz-antipass-teach=> nmlz-apass-teach
p.323 (§ motion into, motion or from a place => motion into, or motion from a place
p.325 (105) antipass => apass
p.327 (110) cisl-ipfv:downstream-caus-but-pl => cisl-ipfv:downstream-caus-buy-pl
p.328 (115) pst.ipfv => ifr.ipfv
p.346 (171) ɯ-mɤ-ɲɯ-tɯ-stu => ɯ-mɤ́-ɲɯ-tɯ-stu
p.346 (175) appl-be.afraid[III]:fact-1sg => appl-be.afraid[III]:fact
p.347 (177) irr-pfv-2-can => irr-ipfv-2-can
p.352 table 8.2, thi => tʰi
p.356 (207) neg-ipfv.ifr-be.good => neg-ifr.ipfv-be.good
p.356 (207) neg-ipfv.ifr-be.bad => ifr.ipfv-be.bad
p.360 (222) add “dem” below nɯ
p.362 (230) 3sg.poss-mater => 3sg.poss-mate
p.373 (19) ipfv-anticaus:attach => ipfv-acaus:attach
p.374 (24) 3pl.poss => 2pl.poss
p.376 (29) 1sg.poss-wide => 1sg.poss-wife
p.377 (31) ifr-not.exist => ifr-not.exist-pl
p.386 (65) neg-aor-agree-1sg => neg-aor-agree-1pl be:aff lnk
p.387 (67) neg-ifr-anticaus:open => neg-ifr-acaus:open
p.390 (78) a.pass => apass
p.393 (89) exist:fact-1sg => exist:fact-1pl
p.396 (96) ifr => aor
p.397(100) dubit-auto-exist => dub-auto-exist
p.400 (107) sbj:pcp-antipass-learn => sbj:pcp-apass-learn
p.404 (125) aor:3→3′-auto-search => aor:3→3′-auto-search-1pl
p.406 (128) 3sg.poss-inside => 3sg.poss-on (under ɯ-taʁ)
p.408 (137) ipfv.ifr => ifr.ipfv
p.414 (156) ipfv-anticaus:make.fall => ipfv-acaus:make.fall
p.419 (171) its => it
p.422 (178) kɯ-xɕti => kɯ-xtɕi
p.432 (§ 𝐶𝑓𝑉.𝐶𝑓ɯ.𝐶𝑓i => 𝐶i𝑉.𝐶𝑓ɯ.𝐶𝑓i
p.433 (14) sens-be.aff:fact => sens-be.aff
p.434 (18) ifr.ipfv-pro-hear => ifr.ipfv-prop-hear
p.444 (31) idph(II):kneeling => idph(III):kneeling
p.448 (42) “attic 3sg-inside ipfv:east-auto-put[III] lnk” => “attic ipfv:east-auto-put[III] lnk filler”
p.449 with one one => with one
p.449 located loser => located closer
p.451 (51) tɤ-sɤɕke => tɤ-sɤ-ɕke
p.462 (78) abouyt => about
p.465 (88a) ɣɯ-mtsɯɣ-a => ɣɯ́-mtsɯɣ-a
p.466 (92) ipfv-think[III] => ipfv-think[III]-1sg
p.474 excluding the autive… (add “the anticausative”)
p.476 (6) ɯ-ɲɯ-ra => ɯ-ɲɯ́-ra
p.490 (33) unexpected => UNEXP:DEG
p.500 (4) qu-X-have.time:fact => qu-epenth-have.time:fact
p.509 (§16.6.1 => (§16.6.1)
p.511 (25) add “be.aff:fact” under ɕti
p.513 (1) ɯ-mɤ-ta-ʑa, => ɯ-mɤ́-ta-ʑa,
p.513 (1) ɯ-mɤ-nɯ-mɯnmu => ɯ-mɤ́-nɯ-mɯnmu
p.521 (25) catchup => catch up
p.531 aroa-a-nɯ => aro-a-nɯ
p.533 (13) ɯ-ɲɯ-fse-a => ɯ-ɲɯ́-fse-a
p.536 (21) a-nɯ-tɯ-ɤnɯɣro-nɯ => a-nɯ-tɯ-ɤ<nɯ>ɣro-nɯ
p.538 (28) add GEN between “goat” and “3sg.poss-dung”.
p.539 (31) 2sg.poss => 2pl.poss
p.540 (36) “The weather was very hot.”
p.540 six common properties => seven common properties
p.541, fn 9. neg-pcp:sbj-eat => neg-sbj:pcp-eat
p.543 31 different forms => 30 different forms
p.543 “These two-dimensional tables (…) list the subjects as rows and the objects as columns. => In these two-dimensional tables (…), each row corresponds to a particular person/number value for the transitive subject, and each column for the object
p.550 ɣɯ-/wɣ- prefix => ɣɯ́-/wɣ- prefix
p.551 (47) cisl-ipfv-2→1pl => cisl-ipfv-2→1-help-1pl
p.553 a-mɤ-jɤ-kɯ-phɣo => a-mɤ-jɤ-kɯ-pʰɣo
p.556 Table 14.12 ɣɯ- => ɣɯ́-, pɯ-wɣ- => pɯ́-wɣ-
p.561 (64) ipfv-inv-caus-release => ifr-inv-caus-release
p.566 (69) tɯmɯ => tɯ-mɯ
p.568 on the other hand, third persons possessed => on the one hand, third persons possessed
p.569 (78) neg-ifr-recognize => neg-ifr-inv-recognize
p.570 either in direct of inverse form, => either in direct or inverse form,
p.570 exist are however => exists are however
p.571 more obviative that any animate referent, => more obviative than any animate referent,
p.572 (85) aor-inv-caus-borrow => aor-inv-caus-borrow-pl
p.574 (92) and paragraph above: ɣɯ-tsɯm => ɣɯ́-tsɯm
p.579 (104) aor:3→3′-be.homogeneous => aor:3→3′-caus-be.homogeneous
p.580 (106) aor:3→3 => aor:3→3′
p.584 (118) meat => bone
p.586 (122) pl.p => topo
p.588 (125) ipfv-inv-plough => ipfv-genr:S/O-plough
p.589 (126) The [eagle] => [The eagle]
p.594 (138) a.part.from => apart.from
p.598 (151) ipfv.ipfv => ifr.ipfv
p.600 § with a with first person => with a first person
p.601 3pl→3 form => 3pl→3‘ form
p.605 (172) erg => also
p.608 (180) aor-tread-pl => ipfv-tread-pl
p.608 (180) ɣɯ- => ɣɯ́-
p.610 (183) ɯ-ku- => ɯ-kú- (2 times)
p.610 (184) insert “3sg.poss-inside” below ɯ-ŋgɯ
p.610 (184) there are => they are
p.610 (185) be.assert:fact => be.aff:fact
p.615 fn.42 -ŋ, -ŋ, and -ŋa => ŋ, -aŋ, and -ŋa
p.617 1→2-chase-sg => 1→2-chase
p.639 (33) The shooting star => [The shooting star]
p.644 (47) -gen:S/O- => -genr:S/O-
p.653 (75) pass-1sg => pass-1pl
p.656 (85) tral-ifr:down-put.in => ifr:down-put.in
p.658 (93) ifr:east-pull => ifr:east-pull-pl
p.663 (104) ipfv:up-sbj:pcp- => pfv:up-sbj:pcp- (2 times, with -be.hollow and -be.dried)
p.672 (131) ifr-be.born => ifr:up-be.born
p.675 when there this no => when there is no
p.676 (147) put commas after the indices (2x)
p.677 (150) ipfv:downstream-say => ipfv:downstream-say-pl
p.679 (155) aor:down-inv-give => aor:down-inv-give-1sg
p.681 (162) ifr- => ifr:downstream-
p.682 (166) ipfv:downstream-wrap => ipfv:downstream-inv-wrap (2x)
p.684 (171) transl- => tral-
p.684 (172) transl- => tral-
p.688 (181) pst.ifr-be.needed => ifr.ipfv-be.needed
p.689 (187) pst:ipfv-exist => ifr.ipfv-be
p.692 (193) add the first half of the translation: “I bring things [up] from China, and go and sell them in central Tibet.”
p.692 (194) streal => steal
p.694 do no have => do not have
p.696 (204) tral-aor-east-1pl => tral-aor-eat-1pl
p.703 (225) ɯ-maʁ => ɯ́-maʁ
p.705 (232) aor-come[II] => aor-come[II]-pl
p.706 (233) 1sg.poss-sbj:pcp-see => 2sg.poss-sbj:pcp-see
p.707 (236) 3sg.poss-do => 3sg.poss-sbj:pcp-do
p.708 (239) neg-aor-2→1-1sg => neg-aor-2→1-see-1sg
p.708 ofodal => of modal
p.709 (245) 1sg.poss-root => 2sg.poss-root
p.709 (245) 1sg.poss-life => 2sg.poss-life
p.714 “with all five prefixal slots filled” => “with more than four prefixes”
p.714 (such as †ɯ-ɣɯ-jɤ-kɯ-qru) => (such as †ɯ-mɤ-ɣɯ-jɤ-kɯ-qru)
p.722 (27) ipfv-genr:S/O => ipfv-genr:S/O-eat
p.724 (36) 2du-sbj:pcp-help => 2du.poss-sbj:pcp-help
p.726 “above, I consider” => “, I consider”
p.732 (54) 1sg-nmlz:P-know => 1sg.poss-obj:pcp-know
p.733 nɯ-mɤ-kɤ-cha => nɯ-mɤ-kɤ-cʰa
p.733 and orientation preverbs (58) => and orientation preverbs (59)
p.738 (72) remove “allium” in the gloss line
p.740 (78) ɯ-ɣɤʑu => ɯ-ɣɤ́ʑu
p.740 (78) have and questions => have any questions
p.740 postnominal relative => prenominal relatives
p.742 (86) ipfv.ifr => ifr.ipfv
p.744 (91) ɯ-ɣɤʑu => ɯ-ɣɤ́ʑu
p.746 (98) xinbaba => xinbada
p.748 (104) obj:pcpblique => obl:pcp
p.749 (105) obj:pcpblique => obl:pcp
p.755 (127) ipfv.ifr => ifr.ipfv
p.756 (128) obl:pcp-be.like => sbj:pcp-be.like (three times)
p.756 (128) obl:pcp-be.identical => sbj:pcp-be.identical
p.756 (128) neg-obl:pcp-eat => neg-sbj:pcp-eat
p.760 status contructus => bound state
p.761 belows => bellows
p.765 (149) nɤʁarphɤβ => nɤʁarpʰɤβ
p.770 (166) ipfv.ifr => ifr.ipfv
p.774 (177) top => dem
p.781 (201) C => lnk
p.782 (204) 3sg.poss- => 2sg.poss-
p.783 (205) 3sg.poss- => 2sg.poss-
p.792 table 16.6 patch (n) (n) => patch (n)
p.792 is absorbed => is absorbed by
p.793 (227) pst.ipfv => ifr.ipfv (two times)
p.795 (231) tral-aor:3→3′ => tral-aor:3→3′-release
p.803 object of the main clause => subject of the main clause
p.805 (252) girl => little.girl
p.806 (256) purp => purp:conv
p.806 in 257) => in (257)
p.807 (257) conv:purp => purp:conv
p.807 (259) put-in => put.in
p.807 (260) conv:purp => purp:conv
p.829 (13) “inf” in small capitals
p.831 2sg as causee => 1sg as causee
p.832 (23) ɕlɯɣ => ɕ-lɯɣ
p.832 (24) 3→3 => 3→3′
p.833 paragraph above (26) pfv:3→3′ => aor:3→3′
p.833 (26) pfv:3→3′ => aor:3→3′3pl.poss => 2pl.poss
p.836 (33) ɯ-tɤ-tɯ-sɤ-pe-t => ɯ-tɤ́-tɯ-sɤ-pe-t
p.840 (45) 2sg.poss-mother => 1sg.poss-mother
p.840 (45) ipfv-2→1-caus-look-1sg => ipfv-2→1-caus-look-1pl
p.848 Table 17.7, remove redundant line (Antipassive z-rɤ- §18.6.9 appears twice)
p.856 (84) 3sg.poss-auto-scold => 3sg.poss-sbj:pcp-auto-scold
p.856 (84) 3sg.poss-laugh.at => 3sg.poss-sbj:pcp-laugh.at
p.856 (84) 3sg.poss-caus-be.stupid => 3sg.poss-sbj:pcp-caus-be.stupid
p.861 (95) 1sg.poss => 1pl.poss
p.863 (102) ɯ-ɲɯ-kɯ-nɤ-stu-a => ɯ-ɲɯ́-kɯ-nɤ-stu-a
p.863 (103) 1sg > 3sg (under ɯʑo)
p.865 (108) ipfv.ifr => ifr.ipfv
p.869 (118) ɯ-ɲɯ-tɯ-nɤ-xtɕi => ɯ-ɲɯ́-tɯ-nɤ-xtɕi
p.873 (125) 2sg.poss-in => 3sg.poss-in
p.876 (4) ipfv-peg-pass-attach-peg => ifr.ipfv-peg-pass-attach-peg
p.881 the former only occurs as => the latter only occurs as
p.883 (23) qu-peg-pass-eat:fact => qu-epenth-pass-eat:fact
p.885 (30) caus-become:fact-1sg => caus-become:fact-1pl
p.886 (32) To extract stone slabs, one has to chop
=> Extracting stone slabs is hard, one has to go and chop
p.888 (37) opt-exist:fact => rh.q-exist:fact
p.892 (46) ipfv-genr:S/O-refl-be.wrong => ipfv-genr:S/O-auto-be.wrong
p.892 (46) ipfv-genr:S/O-auto-be.right also => ipfv-genr:S/O-refl-be.right also
p.894 (37) opt-exist:fact => rh.q-exist:fact
p.906 (80) ɯ-pɯ-tɯ-sat => ɯ-pɯ́-tɯ-sat
p.906 (81) ipfv.ifr => ifr.ipfv
p.909 (88) be.aff:kill => be.aff:fact
p.909 (87) ɣɯ-sat => ɣɯ́-sat
p.912 (96) 1sg => 1pl
p.912 (96) 1sg.poss-speech => 1pl.poss-speech
p.914 Causativivization => Causativization
p.916 (102) ipfv-recip-talk-du => ipfv-recip-auto-talk-du
p.921 (104) 3pl.poss => 2pl.poss
p.921 (106) drop (remove small caps)
p.926 pɯ-nɯ-ŋgra => pɯ-nnɯ-ŋgra
p.937 (140) aor-apass-give-du => aor-apass-give-1du
p.940 (150) ipfv-be => pst.ipfv-be
p.946 3sg.poss-obl:pcp-antip-write => 3sg.poss-obl:pcp-apass-write
p.950 (170) ifr-inv-caus-appl-draw => ifr-inv-caus-apass-draw
p.955 (183) ipfv.ifr => ifr.ipfv
p.956 (187) kɯ-nɤ-ŋkɯ~ŋke => kɯ-nɤŋkɯŋke
p.958 (192) aor-go[II] => aor-sbj:pcp-go[II]
p.965 (213) pst.ipfv => ifr.ipfv
p.967 The anticausative derivation => The autive derivation
p.974 (24) ipfv:down-2→1-throw-1sg-pl => ipfv:down-2→1-auto-throw-1sg-pl
p.974 (24) neg-ipfv:down-auto-jump-1sg => ipfv:down-auto-jump-1sg
p.976 (33) nmlz:S/A => sbj:pcp
p.979 (40) aor:west:3→3 => aor:west:3→3′
p.980 (42) ipfv-caus-happen.to.be.at => ipfv-inv-caus-happen.to.be.at
p.983 (51) ipfv:east-2-chase[III] => ipfv:west-2-chase[III]
p.983 (51) ipfv:east-2-chase[III] => tral-ipfv:east-2-chase[III]
p.983 (51) add “be.needed:fact” below ra
p.983 (53) tʰɯ-a-nɯ-tsɯm => tʰa-nɯ-tsɯm
p.983 (53) aor-3→3′-auto-take.away => aor:3→3′-auto-take.away
p.984 (56) ipfv-auto-keep(2) => ipfv-auto-keep(2)-pl
p.988 (65) chonɤ => cʰonɤ
p.991 nɤsɲɯɲu => nɤsɲɯsɲu
p.1000 (91) ipfv-be.determined => ipfv-be.determined-1sg
p.1002 (97) add translation: ‘The girl stayed in the house, prepared meals for them, and did the housework.’
p.1004 (106) aor:3→3 => aor:3→3′
p.1013 wide => wife
p.1022 (15) ipfv.ifr => ifr.ipfv
p.1026 (22) to be to be => to be
p.1026 (23) ɲɯ-ɲɟoʁ => ɲɯ-ɤ-ɲɟoʁ
p.1034 (34) rɯʁlɤwɯr => rɯ-ʁlɤwɯr
p.1035 (35) ipfv:downstream-denom-handspan => ipfv:downstream-inv-denom-handspan
p.1041 Table 20.10 intransitive => transitive
p.1046 (50) pst.ifr => ifr.ipfv
p.1048 (53) b. 3sg.poss-lunch => 2sg.poss-lunch
p.1057 (67) ipfv.ifr => ifr.ipfv
p.1059 (73) pst.ipfv => ifr.ipfv
p.1060 The resemblance between the rɤ- applicative => The resemblance between the rɤ- antipassive
p.1102 (45) 2-come::fact => 2-come:fact
p.1074 Noun+Cerb => Noun+Verb
p.1078 (95) nɤpʰɯxtsɯ => nɤ-pʰɯ-xtsɯ
p.1079 (97) (ii) -BACK- remove small caps
p.1080 (iii.c) The two them disappeared => The two of them disappeared
p.1086 between Imperfective and Aorist => between Imperative and Aorist
p.1087 (6) qu-egoph-2-be.good => qu-prs-2-be.good
p.1091 (10) pfv:west-put => pfv:west-put-pl
p.1091 (10) ipfv-collect.Potentilla.anserina => ipfv-collect.Potentilla.anserina-pl
p.1094 (18) ipfv-1→-teach => ipfv-1→2-teach
p.1094 (18) ipfv-weave => ipfv-weave-1sg
p.1095 (23) [ILI] => [III]
p.1096 (28) 3pl.poss => 2pl.poss
p.1096 (29) ɯ-ɲɯ-nɯkɯmaʁ-a => ɯ-ɲɯ́-nɯkɯmaʁ-a
p.1098 (35) ifr-peg-become-peg => ifr-peg-become
p.1101 (42) ideo:stat: => idph(II):
p.1102 (46) ɣɯ-sat-a => ɣɯ́-sat-a
p.1103 (49) rest:fact-1sg => rest:fact-1pl
p.1113 (85) egop-rest-1pl => prs-rest-1pl
p.1115 (93) prs-be.good => prs-be.good-pl
p.1115 termed ‘broad egophoric’ by => termed ‘broad egophoric’
p.1118 (106) aor-pass-1sg => aor-pass-1pl
p.1122 (118) irr-neg-2-listen[III] => irr-neg-pfv-2-listen[III]
p.1123 (120) sbj:pcp-emph~ => sbj:pcp-emph~
p.1129 (139) ɯ-ɣɤʑu => ɯ-ɣɤ́ʑu
p.1129 (141) 1sg.poss-root => 2sg.poss-life
p.1129 (141) 1sg.poss-life => 2sg.poss-life
p.1136 (166) add “3sg.poss-apple pl” under “ɯ-paχɕi ra”
p.1139 (173) aor:down-2-vert-come[II] => aor:down-2-vert-come[II]-pl
p.1139 (174) ipfv-vert-go-1sg => ipfv-vert-go-pl
p.1145 last paragraph, kó-wɣ-ndo (aor-inv-take) => kó-wɣ-ndo (ifr-inv-take),
p.1148 (202) tɯ-tɯɣɟaβ => tɯ-tɯ-ɣɟaβ
p.1152 (215) -cause- => -caus-
p.1152 some stative transitive verbs with => some stative transitive verbs
p.1160 (234) sens-prog-auto-wait => sens-prog-inv-auto-wait
p.1162 (238) ɯ-ngɯ => ɯ-ŋgɯ
p.1163 (243) -sɯɣɯt => -sɯ-ɣɯt
p.1163 (243) aor:east-2-caus-bring (aor:east- in small capitals, 2 times)
p.1168 (259) sens-be => sens-be.aff
p.1170 (262) apprehensive- => appr-
p.1170 (263) ifr-think => ifr-think-pl
p.1171 (265) apprehensive- => appr-
p.1173 (271) NEG-GENR:know:FACT => NEG-GENR:know
p.1176 (279) worry/about => worry.about
p.1180 in the Non-Past => in the Non-Past Factual
p.1184 (304) 2-be.happy:fact => 2-be.happy:fact-pl
p.1189 (8) aor:east-go[II] => aor:east-go[II]-du
p.1190 (11) tʰa-nɯtsɯm => tʰa-nɯ-tsɯm
p.1193 (23) 2du.poss-sbj:pcp-herd => 2pl.poss-sbj:pcp-herd
p.1195 (28) think => think[III]
p.1198 (39) aor:east-go[II]-1sg => aor:east-go[II]-1pl
p.1200 (46) ipfv.ifr => ifr.ipfv
p.1206 (68) be:aff => be.aff:fact
p.1206 ergative is located before ʁɟa => ergative is located after ʁɟa
p.1207 (71) 1sg.poss-together => 2sg.poss-together
p.1209 (81) (glosses) completely transportation => transportation completely
p.1210 (82) ɣɯ-znɯzdɯxpa-j => ɣɯ́-znɯzdɯxpa-j
p.1210 (82) ɣɯ-lɤt-i => ɣɯ́-lɤt-i
p.1217 (105) add the gloss a.little under “ci”
p.1220 ʑɣɤ-ɣɤme => ʑɣɤ-ɣɤ-me
p.1220 (115) sens-be.aff:fact => sens-be.aff
p.1222 (119) ɣɯ-tsʰi => ɣɯ́-tsʰi
p.1223 (122) ɣɯ-nɯ-tsɯm => ɣɯ́-nɯ-tsɯm
p.1242 (158) be.aff:fact => be.aff:fact-1sg
p.1242 (158) not.be:fact => not.be:fact-1sg
p.1251 (187)a tral-aor-auto-bring-pst:tr => tral-aor-2-auto-bring-pst:tr
p.1251 (188) neg-ifr.ipfv-stay => ifr.ipfv-stay (below “pjɤ-rɤʑi”)
p.1252 (192) ipfv–1sg => ipfv–laugh-1sg
p.1253 (195) b. remove “emph” in the gloss line
p.1253 (197) lnk not.exist:fact => not.exist:fact lnk
p.1254 (198) 2pl.poss => 3pl.poss
p.1264 (19) add “be:fact” under ŋu
p.1270 (36) add “dem” under “nɯ”, move all glosses to the right until “lnk”, remove one of the two “lnk” from the gloss line.
p.1276 (53) ipfv.ifr => ifr.ipfv
p.1276 (53) remove tɕe
p.1282 (72) Rebracketting: [ before saŋrɟɤz rather than tɤ-tɕɯ
p.1283 (73) b. 2sg- => 1sg-
p.1283 (73) c. 2sg-obj:pcp-antip-teach => 1sg-obj:pcp-apass-teach
remove “what”
p.1287 (86) ipf => ipfv
p.1288 (88) seve- => sens- (2 times)
p.1288 (88) seve-be.aff => sens-be.aff
p.1288 (89) put ɯ-sɤz-rɤkrɤz and ɯ-kɯ-qur in square brackets
p.1289 (92) 1sg.poss-obl:pcp => 1sg.poss-obl:pcp-apass-ask
p.1291 (99) put “broad beans” in brackets
p.1293 (106) nmzl:S/A => sbj:pcp
p.1295 111) => (111)
p.1300 (125) put ɯ-kɤ-ndza in square brackets
p.1300 (128) 2sg.poss-obl:pcp-be.many => 3sg.poss-obl:pcp-be.many
p.1298, Table 23.1, add a tick in the slot kɯ-/ɡoal
p.1301 (130) ifr.ipfv-be.add => ifr.ipfv-be.aff
p.1301 (131) remove one of the two “3sg.poss-mother” in the gloss line
p.1301 (last paragraph), kɯ-pe ‘what is bad is that…’ => mɤ-kɯ-pe ‘what is bad is that…’
p.1302 (135) imp:upstream-vert-turn.back => imp:upstream-vert-turn.back-pl
p.1317 (16) inf:stat~be.small => inf:stat-emph~be.small
p.1319 (§ => (§
p.1319 (22) -1sg => -1pl
p.1320 (§27) => (27)
p.1322 (§sec:fsp.attitude). => (§\ref{sec:fsp.attitude}).
p.1323 (35) ARO => AOR
p.1325 (39) PST.IPFV => IFR.IPFV
p.1326 (40) ɯ-ɲɯ-tɯ-sɯsɤm => ɯ-ɲɯ́-tɯ-sɯsɤm
p.1326 §10.4.4). => (§10.4.4).
p.1329 (50) able fly => able to fly
p.1332 (60) remove “lnk”
p.1334 Ambiguity between finite or participial relative clauses on the one hand, and finite and infinitival complement clauses on the other hand, => Ambiguity between relative clauses on the one hand, and complement clauses on the other hand,
p.1334 (67) PDV => PFV
p.1336 (73) ifr:upstream-go => ifr-go
p.1337 (76) 3sg.poss-lead => 3sg.poss-sbj:pcp-lead
p.1340 or to be in the subject participle form itself. => or to be in the subject participle form.
p.1340 (85) ipfv.ifr => ifr.ipfv
p.1341 (86) cʰɯ́ -wɣ-ndʑɯr => cʰɯ́ -wɣ-ɣndʑɯr
p.1341 (87) indef.ipfv => ifr.ipfv
p.1342 jɤ- ja- => jɤ- / ja-
p.1342 add ”(from §\ref{sec:simultaneous.action.nominal})“ after “as in (214)”
p.1342 (90) below ˈjlɤkrɯˈ DEM:PL => basket
p.1342 (90) below ˈnɯˈ basket => DEM:PL
p.1343 (91) make:PST:TR => make-PST:TR
p.1343 (95) INF-INV => IPFV-INV
p.1344 (96) add (elicited)
p.1344 (97) say => say[II]
p.1348 (109) 3sg.poss-on > 2sg.poss-on
p.1351 (119) remove “lnk”
p.1351 causative (§17.3) causative => (§17.3) causative
p.1354 (131) pfv:up-2→-take.away => pfv:up-2→1-take.away
p.1355 remove “, in addition to finite complements in the Imperfective,”
p.1355 (\ref{ex:kAnWrAZi.jAG}, \ref{ex:YWkhama.jAG}) => (\ref{ex:kAnWrAZi.jAG}),\footnote{See also (\ref{ex:YWkhama.jAG}) in §\ref{sec:intransitive.invariable}.}
p.1359 (150, §24.2.1) => (150, see also §24.2.1)
p.1359 (151, 152, §24.2.3),=> (151, 152, see also §24.2.3),
p.1360 (152) irr-cisl-invite-1sg => irr-cisl-pfv-2→1-invite-1sg
p.1365 “without elision would χpɤltɕɯn kɯ kɤ-mtsɯɣ pjɤ-rɲo ‘Dpalcan has been stung (by a wasp) before’.” => “without elision would would be (\ref{ex:kAmtsWG.pjArYo}).”
p.1365 “but can be interpreted as expressing” => “and could also mean `Dpalcan has bitten it (previously)’. There is here ”
p.1366 (170) aor-experience-1sg => aor-experience-pst:tr-1sg
p.1367 eastwards in (173) => westwards in (173)
p.1367 (176) sbj:pcp-kill => obj:pcp-kill
p.1368 (179) remove “dem”
p.1369 (182) add “at.all” below “maka”
p.1370 “never indexed” => “not usually indexed”
p.1370 “stu can also index as object the object of the verb in the infinitival clause” => “indexing the object of the infinitival clause is also possible”
p.1370 Deixis manner verbs => Similative manner verbs
p.1370 as in( §24.4.4). => as in §24.4.4.
p.1370 remove example (189)
p.1371 (192) unexpected => unexp:deg
p.1372 (195) kɯ-ndɯ-ndɯβ => kɯ-ndɯ~ndɯβ
p.1373 (after “‘prepare to 𝑋 ’”, first paragraph after 198) ( 198). => (198).
p.1374 a possessor => the possessor
p.1377 (207) ]] => ]
p.1378 (211) come[III] => come
p.1378 (212) iɕqʰa [χpɯn => [iɕqʰa χpɯn
p.1385 (4) aor:3→3′-plough => aor:3→3′-plough-pl
p.1385 (4) aor:3→3′-dig => aor:3→3′-dig-pl
p.1386 (7) ipfv-reach.into[III] => ipfv-caus-reach.into[III]
p.1391 (18) add “filler” under “nɤki”, shift all glosses to the right, and “dem loc” => dem:loc under “nɯtɕu”
p.1392 (20) in the glosses “all” to be put in lower case.
p.1393 (23) ipfv-inv-burn => ipfv-inv-auto-burn
p.1393 (24) nɯfse => [nɯfse
p.1394 (25) remove “sbj:pcp-be.like” and shift the glosses to the left
p.1394 (27) add “nɤ” between “[pa-n-nɤla]” and “ɕe-a”, above “lnk”
p.1394 (27) change the gloss of “ɕe-a”: ipfv:go-1sg => go:fact-1sg
p.1395 (28) 3→3 => 3→3′
p.1395 (30) be:fact => be.aff:fact
p.1399 (42) dem => dem:pl, a “a.little” under “ci”, remove “lnk” at the end of the gloss line
p.1400 (45) ipfv.ifr => ifr.ipfv
p.1403 (55) remove the first two item in the gloss line “lnk ipfv-tie.up-pl” and shift the rest to the left.
p.1403 (55)
p.1408 (73) be.good => be.good:fact
p.1408 (73) aor-be.like-1sg => aor-be.like-1pl
p.1408 (73) ipfv:downstream-inv-drink.with.a.straw-1sg => ipfv:downstream-inv-drink.with.a.straw-1pl
p.1409 (75) ipfv.ifr => ifr.ipfv
p.1411 (83) had => hand
p.1412 (86) pst.ipfv-be-1sg => pst.ipfv-be.aff-1sg
p.1416 (96) purp:conv => purp:conv-catch.a.cold
p.1416 (98) in-want.from => inf-want.from
p.1417 (101) ipfv.ifr => ifr.ipfv
p.1418 (102) b. dem => dem:pl
p.1420 (108) history record => history.record
“ipfv-2-make[III] be:aff:fact” under “pjɯ-tɯ-βze ɕti”, “later” under “tɕetʰa”, “dem unexp:deg” under “nɯnɯ rcanɯ”, remove “lnk”
p.1420 (108) ɣɯ-nɤmqe-a-nɯ => ɣɯ́-nɤmqe-a-nɯ
p.1421 (112) 1sg => 1pl
p.1422 (115) neg-apprehensive-can => neg-appr-can
p.1423 (119) pcp:sbj => sbj:pcp
p.1425 (124) “comp” in small capitals, “higher” => “bigger”
p.1427 (130) ipfv.ifr => ifr.ipfv
p.1428 (133) 3sg.poss-make => 3sg.poss-sbj:pcp-make
p.1429 (136) neg-eat:fact => neg-eat[III]:fact
p.1429 (136) ipfv-eat => ipfv-eat[III]
p.1429 (137) ɣɯ-nɯzdɯɣ-a-nɯ => ɣɯ́-nɯzdɯɣ-a-nɯ
p.1435 (14) ifr-peg-recip:scold-du-evd => ifr-peg-recip:scold-du-peɡ
p.1439 mɯ́j-cha-a => mɯ́j-cʰa-a
p.1442 between the two referents as in (40) => between the two referents as in (41)
p.1447 (58) shift “naχtɕɯɣ tsa” to the right (adding \phantom{espace})
p.1450 (66) be.broad => be.broad:fact
p.1452 (72) ipfv-eat => ipfv-eat (two instances)
p.1452 (75) 3sg.poss-nmlz:deg-denom:similative-easy => 3sg.poss-nmlz:deg-easy
p.1452 (75) sens-be.like.grass => sens-denom:similative-grass
p.1454 (79) 3sg.poss-appl-like => 3sg.poss-obj:pcp-appl-like
p.1455 (83) surprise => interj:surprise
p.1461 (3) ipfv-genr-auto-say => ipfv-genr-say under tu-kɯ-ti (two instances)
p.1465 (8) add “be:fact” under “ŋu”, shift the glosses to the right
p.1471 (23) remove “dem” under “pa-rtsɯz-nɯ”, shift two glosses to the left, add “again” under “li”
p.1473 (26) add “lnk” under “tɕe”, shift the glosses to the right
p.1477 (36) ipfv.ifr => ifr.ipfv
p.1477 (36) ifr.ipfv-be => ifr.ipfv-be.aff